DHTML JavaScript Tree samples

Autoloading from XML

Advanced processing of XML allows this JavaScript tree menu to handle large amounts of data. Dynamical loading of items from XML stream gives a possibility to create DHTML trees with unlimited number of nodes. dhtmlxTree has an ability to load data asynchronously as-needed (using AJAX) that increases overall performance of the tree.

Tree has unlimmited level count. Each new level loaded from asp script.

<div id="treeboxbox_tree" style="width:200;height:200"></div> <script> tree=new dhtmlXTreeObject("treeboxbox_tree","100%","100%",0); tree.setImagePath("../imgs/"); //link tree to asp script tree.setXMLAutoLoading("xml.php"); //load first level of tree tree.loadXML("xml.asp?id=0"); </script>

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